About Us

Adventists: Who we are and what we believe?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a global community of more than 20 million believers in more than 150,000 congregations and over 200 countries.

We are Christians, doing what we can to share the love of God with every individual we encounter. We believe that Jesus came to this world and lived the perfect, sinless life. We believe that He accepted the death penalty that we deserved so that we could have the reward of eternal life that He deserved. And He did it all because He loved us!

The desire to share the message of salvation with as many as possible has led the Seventh-day Adventist church to actively preach, teach, and evangelize around the world. It has also led to the development of various lines of ministry. Education, healthcare, humanitarian service, foreign missions, and media development represent just a few of the many ministries that aid in fulfilling the special mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.